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Our signature vintage sounding and hum cancelling hand wound Humbuster T Neck "Patent Denied Pickups ™" 

Humbuster T Pickup - Neck


    (Direct Sales Only)

    Michael Tuttle Guitars INC. (Tuttle Guitars) offers the original purchaser a one-year limited warranty starting from the day this product is purchased. We will repair or replace this product if it fails due to faulty workmanship or materials during this one year period. This warranty does not apply if you’ve modified the unit or treated it unkindly, and we assume no liability for any incidental or consequential damages which may result from use of this product. Any warranties implied in fact or by law are limited to the duration of this express limited warranty.


    To receive authorization contact:

    • Email:
    • Email us pictures and a description and contact info so we can call you as well
    • The exchange of any factory-defective of Michael Tuttle Guitars INC products is at the option of Michael Tuttle Guitar INC and in no event does Michael Tuttle Guitars INC assume liability for any damage beyond refund of the purchase price of its non-conforming goods, or the repair or replacement of the same. Do not return any product without prior authorization.
    • All requests for return should reference the invoice number and purchase order for the material ordered from original purchaser.
    • All shipping costs for returns will be paid by the purchaser unless otherwise specified.
    • Returned material should be in standard package quantities and saleable condition.

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